Running OpenDaylight

Running OpenDaylight


CloudRouter includes a full distribution of OpenDaylight. Currently, CloudRouter 1.0 beta provides OpenDaylight Lithium, which is the latest upstream release.

Installing OpenDaylight

If you are using a full image, OpenDaylight is pre-installed. If you are using a minimal image, OpenDaylight must be installed.

The OpenDaylight project provides zip and tar distributions of each release. CloudRouter takes these distributions, adds some modifications, and then packages them as RPMs. Installation is as simple as running:

$ sudo yum install -y opendaylight-lithium

Running OpenDaylight

Before running OpenDaylight for the first time, you need to create karaf credentials. The upstream distributions of OpenDaylight includes default credentials (karaf/karaf), which have been removed from CloudRouter for security reasons. To create karaf credentials, edit /opt/opendaylight/opendaylight-lithium/etc/users.properties. You will see a commented out user:
# karaf = karaf,_g_:admingroup

Replace this with your own credentials, e.g.:
user = password,_g_:admingroup

To start OpenDaylight:
$ sudo systemctl start opendaylight-lithium

To check the status of OpenDaylight:
$ sudo systemctl status opendaylight-lithium

To connect to the karaf console via SSH:
$ ssh -p 8101 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <USER>@localhost
Where <USER> matches the karaf credentials you created. You will then be prompted to enter the karaf password you set.

To stop OpenDaylight:

$ sudo systemctl stop opendaylight-lithium

Uninstalling OpenDaylight

$ sudo yum remove -y opendaylight-lithium

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