Smoke Test Plan

Smoke Test Plan

The following will summarize smoke level tests that we plan to run for every CloudRouter release.


Test IDTest Case DescriptionExpected ResultNotes 
cloudrouter.baseosAutomated - checks for core OS level items that should be present with any usable cloudrouter guestPASS  
cloudrouter.basebirdAutomated - checks for core BIRD functionality. stop,start,enable,disable,install,removePASS 


cloudrouter.basequaggaAutomated - checks for core QUAGGA functionality. stop,start,enable,disable,install,removePASS  
cloudrouter.baseonosAutomated - checks for core ONOS functionality. stop,start,enable,disable,install,removePASS  
cloudrouter.baseopendaylightAutomated - checks for core OpenDaylight functionality. stop,start,enable,disable,install,removePASS  

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