Here's how you can run the CloudRouter OSv OpenDaylight image on Google Cloud..
Step1 : Download the CloudRouter OSv Opendaylight image from
Step2 : Uncompress the compressed image
unxz CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-OpenDaylight-20150320.qemu.xz
Step3 : Convert to raw image
qemu-img convert -O raw ./CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-OpenDaylight-20150320.qemu ./CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-OpenDaylight-20150320.raw
Step4 : Rename the file to disk.raw
mv CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-OpenDaylight-20150320.raw disk.raw
Step 5: Create a tarball to upload to google cloud
tar -Sczf CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-ODL-20150320.tar.gz disk.raw
Step 6 : Upload the image to google cloud
gsutil cp CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-ODL-20150320.tar.gz gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-ODL-20150320.tar.gz
Step 7: Add the Image to be available in your google cloud project
gcutil addimage cloudrouter-beta-osv-odl-20150320 gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/CloudRouter-Beta-OSv-ODL-20150320.tar.gz
Step 8: Create a google cloud instance with the uploaded image
gcutil addinstance --image=cloudrouter-beta-osv-odl-20150320 --machine_type=f1-micro --zone=us-central1-a $instance_name
Step9 : SSH to the Karaf port to start configuring OpenDaylight
ssh -p 8101 karaf@<google-cloud-instance-ip-address> (the default password is 'karaf')
Step 10: Voila! We have CloudRouter Opendaylight OSv image running on google cloud.